
New series of hard ground etchings depicting the tree defined and outlined shapes of glacier lakes. In keeping with print history and the many expeditionary artists that have come before me, I am reflecting on themes of peripatetic travel, observation and print as a method of collecting and recording knowledge of remote lands. These small-scale etchings use imagery collected during my own helicopter travels through the Alberta Rockies. These mountain lakes are formed through the long ago, receding movement of glaciers over this alpine terrain. Lakes carved from ice. I see this removal or carving paralleled in the etching process itself, where material (in this case zinc) breaks apart and is physically eliminated when etched in acid, causing ‘reservoirs’ for ink to reside in when printed. Geography and geology through printmaking. Terms like ‘ground’, ‘plates’ and ‘pressure’ link process and content. Ideas are still evolving but I’m excited to be working more traditionally with print in this project.